Welcome to my blog.

After a few random posts I've decided to dedicate this blog to my life long project of Japanese food
and culture (and my life in general, especially my travels).

Since my first taste of sushi back in 1997 I've been interested in, and frequently been making
Japanese food.
My interest in the country and culture started long before and continues to evolve.
I was lucky to finally visit Japan in October 2008, again in November 2019 and hope to be back soon.
In July 2012 I visited Japantown in San Fransisco, the next best thing!
I was lucky to be back in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2019 thanks to the fact that we now have family living in California.
Both small and big adventures will from now on, as time permits, be shared with you.

I will post other recipes and pictures too, mainly cooking projects, plants and art projects
(including my new love - making kumihimo braided objects).

I hope you'll find it interesting, and feel free to leave a comment or ask questions!

I write mainly in English, but there will be some Norwegian too, especially posts about things
that mainly have Norwegian interest. Tutorials are bi-lingual.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

New online store

Why don´t you take a look at my new online store and tell me what you think?
I´ve decided to move my jewelry (gradually) to a new platform where I have more freedom in designing the store, profiling and larger pictures.

It needs work off course, but it´s a start....

I will work on it as often as time permits. I also have some new bracelets coming, but I need to take pictures. Spring colors and 100% silk....

Spesialtilbud (del gjerne!):
"Ny butikk" salg -10 % på alt hvis du handler for over 200 kr - fram til 15. mai! Benytt anledningen til å få deg et håndlaget vårsmykke... Oppgi kode NYBUTIKK. 

"New store" sale - 10 % off the whole order if you spend over 200 kr - offer lasts until May 15th. Use code: NYBUTIKK.


Janet said...

Svarer på norsk jeg ;) butikken ser spennende ut, flott oppsett og det ser ut som du har mange valgmuligheter videre!

Jeg leker meg litt med en ny salgsblogg jeg, ikke kommet så langt ennå - og på langtnær så proff som den nye butikken din.

Lykke, lykke til. J

Linuz said...

Takk, takk! Det var virkelig ikke så mye arbeid det der, det meste fikset seg fint selv...

Vi er flere som holder på med å sette opp butikk på denne plattformen og vi tenkte også en felles blogg etter hvert. Foreløpig er det mest smykker, men vi får se hvordan vi gjør det.

Lykke til du og!