Welcome to my blog.

After a few random posts I've decided to dedicate this blog to my life long project of Japanese food
and culture (and my life in general, especially my travels).

Since my first taste of sushi back in 1997 I've been interested in, and frequently been making
Japanese food.
My interest in the country and culture started long before and continues to evolve.
I was lucky to finally visit Japan in October 2008, again in November 2019 and hope to be back soon.
In July 2012 I visited Japantown in San Fransisco, the next best thing!
I was lucky to be back in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2019 thanks to the fact that we now have family living in California.
Both small and big adventures will from now on, as time permits, be shared with you.

I will post other recipes and pictures too, mainly cooking projects, plants and art projects
(including my new love - making kumihimo braided objects).

I hope you'll find it interesting, and feel free to leave a comment or ask questions!

I write mainly in English, but there will be some Norwegian too, especially posts about things
that mainly have Norwegian interest. Tutorials are bi-lingual.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Sommerutlodning av øredobber.....

For å feire at jeg har fått noen uventede gaver, er over 7000 besøk på bloggen og har dyrket fram min første tomat: Jeg gir bort et par øreringer i fritt valgte farge/r til en heldig vinner!
(Jeg har sterling sølv ørekroker eller antikkgullfargede klips til de uten hull i ørene).

Jeg har mange fine farger!
Se også min Epla butikk for mer inspirasjon: krysantemum design på Epla

Hva må du gjøre sier du? Legge kommentar under denne posten og si at du vil ha øreringer (1 lodd), trykke "liker" her: krysantemum på Facebook (1 lodd), følge bloggen min (1 lodd) og eventuelt legge link til min blogg på din/ dette innlegget (1 lodd)!

Jeg trekker en heldig vinner den 08.08. (fordi det er en fin dato!).... så heng deg på!

x Line

ps: Jeg må godkjenne kommentarer manuelt før de publiseres, så ikke fortvil om du ikke ser kommentaren din umiddelbart!

(Text in Norwegian only - give away.)

Sunday, 17 July 2011


I have no idea what I´ve done, but last week I got 2 very nice presents!
From my friend Turid, I got two new furoshiki, from Japan. She visited Japan a little while ago.
One cotton with flowers, and one in 100% silk, two colors on opposite sides. I can´t wait to try them!

From my colleague I got a nice summer present; a candle holder shaped as a lotus flower, beautiful!

I also got some chrysanthemum tea I´ve ordered. I plan to pack the tea in small bags and
send them to the people that orderes items from krysantemum design.
I´ve been contemplating for a while what to pack as "free treats", and landed on the tea.

Now I need to get some small see-through bags and we´re set!

Friday, 8 July 2011

Kumihimo - tutorial; flat braid with hearts

I thought I´d post a tutorial of a kumihimo pattern; flat 12-tread braid with heart pattern:

For about 2 bracelets (finished length 30+ cm), I used 6 x 1,20 m lengths; 5 x 1 mm cords in dark blue satin and 1 x 2mm cord in pink satin. The thicker cord might be a bit shorter if you want. Lay the threads double and place the 12 threads in the starting position as shown under.
(I will refer to the disc as a clock: 12 o´clock is on top, 3 o´clock is to the right, 6 o´clock is bottom ans 9 o´clock is left.)

This is the starting position of the threads. I mark the top with a pin to keep track. 

First take the inner right thread in the 12 o´clock position and move it down below the two threads on the left side, in the 9 o´clock position.

Take the inner left thread in the 12 o´clock position and move it down below the two threads on the right side, in the 3 o´clock position.

Move the two top threads closer, replacing the moved threads.

Now, take the inner left thread in the 6 o´clock position and move it up above the two threads on the right side, in the 3 o´clock position.

Do the same move with the inner right thread in the 6 o´clock position to the left side.

Move the two bottom threads closer, replacing the moved threads.
This completes the first sequence. You should have two threads top and bottom, and 4 threads left and right.

Take the top inner thread in the 9 o´clock position and move it down to the left side of the two bottom threads in the 6 o´clock position.

Take the lower inner thread in the 9 o´clock position and move it up to the left side of the two top threads in the 12 o´clock position.

Move the two remaining threads on the left side closer together, replacing the moved threads.

Now, it´s time to repeat with the right side. Take the upper right thread in the 3 o´clock position and move it down to the right side of the lower threads in the 6 o´clock position.

Take the lower right thread in the 3 o´clock position and move it up to the right side of the upper threads in the 12 o´clock position.

Move the two remaining threads on the right side closer together, replacing the moved threads.
This completes the whole sequence. You need to repeat the sequence 3 times to get the pink threads back in the starting position, creating 1 heart.

The braid in progress!

A while later.....
Good luck!

Ps: I would love to have the startup position (pattern) of the round 16-thread heart pattern. If anyone cares to share: Please leave a comment!