Tuesday, 20 March 2012

New store and my submissions to craftgawker

I´ve been busy lately, braiding until my hands are sore and also finding time to explore new venues online... well, not really, I don´t have the time, but I use the late evenings and nights...

I´ve submitted 2 tutorials to www.craftgawker.com that has been accepted. Lots of page views on my blog was the result. And I´m a little bit proud... :) Click on the green craftgawker-logo one the right side to get to my gallery.

Soooo many hearts! :)

I´ve also opened a second online store on Pipler.com. They make it easy also for sales abroad, so I thought it might be a good idea to get more international customers. Etsy is nice, but big and a little bit frightening, so I thought Pipler might be a nice starting point. Epla is still the bulk of my Norwegian customers, but we´ll see how things develop.

Check out my store, will you? http://www.pipler.com/shop/krysantemum-design.html

My storefront!

Oh, and there has been a lot of orders from friends... these thin wrap-around-the-vrist style bracelets are a hit! Plus the spiral bracelets for little girls birthdays...

Wrap around bracelets. I also make anklets in the same style.


  1. Lekre farger og mønster! Gleder meg til vi skal til Drøbak så jeg kan ta en nærmere kikk... ;)

  2. Herlige bracelets, så stillig :)

  3. Hei:) Har akkurat begynt med kumihimo . Lurer på hvordan du lager sånne tynne armbånd? Finner kun oppskrifter på tykke med 8 tråder og flere..:/ De blir litt store til små kusiner..:)


  4. Hei! Instruksjoner til de tynne ligger her på bloggen. Trykk f.eks. på tag #kumihimo eller kikk litt rundt!


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