Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Tofu box has arrived!

After travelling across the U.S. in a box, hand carried on a plane from San Fran to NL, my tofu box finally made the final stretch in a kangaroo trolley from NL to Norway yesterday.... my precious!

 Made of hinoki wood, it came with a sieve cloth and bag in white.

It´s very nice and it smells good too.

It also came with nigari, so today I have to get myself some soya and make tofu again.... stay tuned!

I also got this nice soya cup from my mother-in-law, bought in San Francisco. Very nice eggplant motive.


  1. From one ice cream lover to another: Nice blog. Impressive woman.

  2. Heloo,

    grear blog, and great tofu kit.
    cand you tell me the dimensions and the price of the kit? transport and item?
    what was included in the kit ?

    thank you !

  3. Hi! This is where the place I bought it: http://toirokitchen.com/products/homemade-tofu-kit/ All information about the box is on the page.


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