Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Rice! 米

Rice and new sakura rice bowl

Oh, simple happiness... yesterday I went to the japanese grocery store with my little girl and got supplies. I decided to get rice grown in Japan, much more pricy than the Italian or US-grown types, but worth it I think. We also got nori, kids crackers and furikake.

So we had dinner; new cooked rice, salmon and asparagus with nori on top.

ご飯 Still with training chopsticks....


  1. Hvor fikk du tak i de treningspinnene til jenta di? :-) Monica

  2. mmm....høres deilig ut :)

    Ønsker deg en fortsatt strålende Påske!

  3. I Japan... på "Tokyo Hands". Men du kan se i listen på siden her og gå inn på Bento&Co, mulig de har eller kan skaffe?


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