Thursday, 17 September 2015

I'm still here - and got a new bento box!

Yes, time flies. Only one post this year so far, but I'm still here. Just overworked.
But, I've decided to start making bento lunches again. I'm not so happy with food at work, and want to eat better.
To motivate myself I ordered a new bento box from Bento & co. Get yours here, they ship worldwide: Bento&co
It's a round box, red "laque", rabbits "usagi" from Hakoya.

Let me overflow you with pictures of this beauty:

 From the side, with black elastic band.

 Top lid.
Can't wait to fill it!

Old and new bento boxes, both with rabbits.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Happy easter!

Yes, it´s been quiet. I work too much... But it´s easter and finally some time off!
This year we took it real slow. Only a small trip to pick up J from the grandparents, and the rest of easter at home. So quiet, so nice.

On our way home we visited Helgøya, an island in the middle of Norways biggerst lake, Mjøsa. Almost 40 years I´ve been in the neighbourhood without going there. It was very nice. Check out this cafe and shop: "Skafferiet" på Helgøya
We had homemade burger, cake and lemonade. Good times!

I baked a easter chocolate cake that got amazing decorations made by two 9-year-olds.
Check it out:

And today I´m making tofu. My own recipe, check this very blog for step by step instructions.
Can´t wait to eat the final result...

Hope you had a nice easter too, wherever you are or whatever you are doing. Tomorrow I´ll braid for the first time in months, got an custom order long overdue....