Sunday, 22 September 2013

Black brass findings...

I decided to try some new findings this autumn; black brass. I find them at Fallen Angel Brass on Etsy, and they´re casted and finished by hand in the US. They ship fast and the findings are fantastic! They contain no lead, nickel or cadmium, so they´re perfectly safe too.

The store is here: FallenAngelBrass on Etsy

Green silk 16-count braid with black brass tulip endcaps, pinecone charm and green crystal.

I hope my new bracelets do them justice and that the customers will like them... Want to take a peak?

I´ll be making only one piece of each of this, so they´re all OOAK.
They can be ordered directly from me or take a look in the shop; I´ll put them out as I finish and photograph them...

Black silk bracelet with purple and green flowers, calyx endcaps, butterfly charm and green crystal.

What do you think, do you like the darker side of krysantemum design?

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

New braiding

Ok, so I didn´t just lay around in Sweden in some spa... I´ve been braiding too!
Here´s some of my latest creations:

Coffee and yellow wrap-arounds. Hand made hand model by me....

Purple wrap-around in 100% silk. Love the fresh color!

Matching wrap-around bracelet and earrings in 100% silk. Pearl grey; lovely, versatile color.

You can get them here: krysantemum design online shop

I will list more silk bracelets soon, I´ve made 2 with 16 threads in pink/greys and pink/purple/greys.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Summer in Sweden

This summer, for the first time in 8 years, I was able to visit the Japanese spa (onsen) in Stockholm called Hasseludden Yasuragi. It´s beautifully situated in the Stockholm archipelago, some 25 minutes drive from the city centre or by boat.

This was my 4th and what later that week turned out to be my 5th visit. :)
We enjoyed 2 wonderful days there before heading to our rented summer house in the archipelago. On our way back, my mother in-law (bless her!), suggested we´d stay another night, so we did!
I miss the place already and it won´t be 8 years until next time, that´s for sure!

Here´s some pictures I made, it does't do this paradise justice, but gives you a glimpse....

Our room the first two nights. You carry your towel and bath gear in the basket.

Our room the last night (a week later). We got a large room with separate living room. We didn´t really need it, as we were mostly bathing... My daughter in yukata, you wear it at all times, even for dinner. 

The bar on the 2nd floor with outside terrace where you can see the sail-in for Stockholm.

Fish-spa! It was tickly and fun... We did it several times and the feet got super soft!

Indoor washing facility. This is where you do your washing ritual. You sit on the small chairs, wash and pour water over your head with the bucket. 

Outdoor hot springs. All-year around temperature is 40 degrees C. In the winter you can sit outside even when it´s snowing and freezing cold! Summer wasn´t so bad either....

See the homepage for more info:
But; shhhhhhh, don´t tell everyone!

Friday, 21 June 2013

Just because... giveaway!

Det er sommer, ankelkjedet er på; jeg tar det ikke engang av når jeg sover...
Og siden jeg har nådd 200 "liker" på Facebook og 90 000 sidevisninger på bloggen, så feirer vi litt!

Dette kan du vinne:

Fritt valgt farge, pynt og lengde. Kikk i butikken min for å se flere bilder (link på høyre side).

Hva er opplegget? Legg igjen en kommentar her på bloggen eller send meg en melding!
(Det er fint om du er en av mine likere selvfølgelig...)

Frist: 8.juli - obs utsatt 3 dager pga. praktiske årsaker!

Sommerhilsen fra Linuz

In english:

I´m celebrating summer with a giveaway.
You can win an anklet in your chosen color and length. See my store for more pictures (link on right side).

Leave a comment under or mail me!
(If you "like" krysantemum design on Facebook, that makes me even happier!)

Draw on July 8th.

Summer xxx Linuz

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Our new household member

Sorry for the silence lately. We´ve been occupied... with this little darling:

Trixiebella, our new rabbit. 


She is 4 months old and already owns the whole house. Daughter is exited and Mr. Linuz not so...

I´ve managed to plant shiso a few weeks ago, but no sprouts yet... I fear it was too late. Or I did something wrong, maybe the seeds are too old. I´ll keep hope up another week or two.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

New online store

Why don´t you take a look at my new online store and tell me what you think?
I´ve decided to move my jewelry (gradually) to a new platform where I have more freedom in designing the store, profiling and larger pictures.

It needs work off course, but it´s a start....

I will work on it as often as time permits. I also have some new bracelets coming, but I need to take pictures. Spring colors and 100% silk....

Spesialtilbud (del gjerne!):
"Ny butikk" salg -10 % på alt hvis du handler for over 200 kr - fram til 15. mai! Benytt anledningen til å få deg et håndlaget vårsmykke... Oppgi kode NYBUTIKK. 

"New store" sale - 10 % off the whole order if you spend over 200 kr - offer lasts until May 15th. Use code: NYBUTIKK.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

New bracelets.

After a long period without braiding (early December until end of January), I decided to experiment with some new designs to get my mojo back.

This is the result; larger stones set in yatsu shippou braid in two or one color. I hope you like them!

Two colors with large unbleached mother-of-pearl nuggets.

One color with lapis lazuli.

I also braided some simple ones in fresh spring colors. I´ll make earrings too, and more pastels and greens I think. What do you think?
Spring is coming!

Baby blue with larger pearl.

Purple with bling.

Note to myself: Time to plant shiso....

Friday, 8 March 2013


Happy International Women Day - March 8th.

I´d like to celebrate the day with a text about/to my daughter.


May you always be fearless.
I hope the world will be different when you grow up; more open, more equal.
I hope the fact that you are a woman will be only a positive thing,
a gift, a value.

May you always be strong and confident,
but full of love and empathy for the other.

I hope, when you see a roaring ocean,
that you run to it with joy,
not from it in fear.

I hope I can be there to teach you all that
and be the mother you deserve.

Picture taken summer 2012, Pacifica, CA.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Kurs i kumihimo på Lillehammer

*Norwegian text only!*

Har du lyst til å lære å flette kumihimo?

krysantemum design holder kurs i denne spennende fletteteknikken på Lillehammer søndag 17. februar. 

På kurset vil du lære 2-3 grunnteknikker og lage et armbånd og en nøkkelring. Du får med deg en Startpakke med alt du trenger slik at du kan fortsette å flette hjemme.

Lag flotte smykker og annet tilbehør til deg selv eller som gaver.
Passer for voksne og ungdom over 14 år.

Kurset inkluderer startpakke med fletteskive, oppskrifter, materialer og lim (verdi 300 kr), kaffe/te og hjemmebakst.

Tips gjerne venner du tror kan være interessert.

Min. 2 / maks. 6 deltakere.
Kurset holdes i JoBeKa´s lokaler i Storgata 91,, søndag 17.februar kl. 12-15.

Pris: 450 kr. Påmelding innen 15.febr. Kontakt meg via bloggen eller på Facebook:


:) Line