Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Parcel arrived!

I´ve ordered more satin cord to make kumihimo with. This time rayon satin cord for the US. What a nice material! So soft and with a great luster.... I had to make a bracelet at once, and went for the Navy color. Sadly it was a sample, so I only braided one. But I´m waiting for more.... I also got thinner cord in satin, so I´m ready to explore more complicated patterns. And I started playing with the idea of having a marudai made here in Norway... I just need to get in touch with a furniture maker.

Navy - dark night

On a different note - I forgot to buy soil, so shiso sowing hasn´t started yet.... I better get on with it!

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Creative week

Please visit my Facebook-page too:

If you click "like" you have a chance to win a mobile charm/ bracelet!

Saturday, 12 March 2011


... I don´t know what to say, Japan was just hit by an earthquake and a tsunami. I´m heartbroken and my thoughts go out to everyone there. I hope as many as possible of the missing people are unharmed, and that cities and the whole society will be rebuilt and back to normal as soon as possible....

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Check out this link / competition: Håndlaga 2011

"Handmade 2011" / "Håndlaga 2011" - a competition of the best handmade products and blogs about handicraft in Norway. Please follow the link and nominate your favorites!

I´ve nominated one of my bracelets in the category Jewelry + a pair of earrings from Mirjam H.
You can find her shop here:
Be aware: Lot´s of "candy" for girls.....

I´ve nominated this bracelet from my own shop:

"Spring": Lilac, green and white bracelet with silver details.
from my shop:

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Norwegian sake!

Our dear friends at the microbrewery Nøgne Ø (Naked island) have made the first (?) Norwegian sake. Today I went and got two bottles + their beer Red Horizon, based on sake production.
I will taste the sake tomorrow, but for now, I´m posting a picture of the bottle. It looks nice....

Check out the blog of the producers on:

Ps: I´ve added a column on the side bar showing off my custom made kumihimo bracelets. :)

Sunday update: I´ve tasted the sake, (in hinoki wood sake cups). What a taste explosion! The first notion was honey, then a hint of beer, rice, and all in all I´m impressed. This was a very nice first date with "homegrown" Norwegian sake, and I will continue to buy it. I hope they will be able to distribute the other types as well, or summer vacation has to be spent in Grimstad this year!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

First of March - means one thing:

It is time to go get soil for seeds, check my storage of shiso seeds and maybe order new;
get everything ready for planting season 2011!

Happy, green-fingered Linuz!